This summer of 2021, the Teenlytical content team releases another free magazine on a relevant topic in today’s world: human communication. Continue reading Teenlytical’s Summer 2021 magazine has arrived
A magazine for teens about isolation, quarantine, and loneliness, things that we’ve all experienced during 2020. Continue reading “isolated”, Teenlytical’s first magazine!
Free-to-download science magazines for teens, with infographics and articles! Release date: November 30, 2020. Continue reading Teenlytical’s free magazine for visual learners!
This poem is part of a new series, “Poetic Science”, presenting all proses, poems, and other pieces of creative writing on the state of the scientific world around us. Want your poems posted? Email Continue reading “A Warming World” (a warning on the state of Mother Nature)
Now, it’s up to us to determine how we’re going to swing it. Continue reading CRISPR-Cas9: A Triple-Edged Sword
To cram or not to cram, that is the question… Well, it truthfully depends on your intentions and goal in school. Continue reading Why you shouldn’t cram for tests at school, in a nutshell
To help students adapt to the school environment, Teenlytical is starting an article series designed to prepare students for school. Continue reading Back in Class, a new series for the new school year
Teenlytical’s Summer 2021 magazine has arrived. Once again, the Teenlytical content team has come together to produce yet another colorful magazine. But this time, the topic is a direct contrast to the previous magazine, “isolated“. Instead of writing about human isolation, we decided to explore themes of human communication, and the things that bound human beings together, as one whole civilization. Use the e-reader below … Continue reading “Communication”
Memorization lies at the heart of every student’s life. Learning about how it works may potentially boost student potential to memorize. Continue reading The science of memorization, and how you could memorize things quicker
Often portrayed in fictional books or TV series, science has proven that “broken heart syndrome” is actually very real… Continue reading Heartbreak is not just a mere work of fiction
Parallel universes create different worlds for every single one of the outcomes of your actions. Welcome to the multiverse. Continue reading So, what are parallel universes anyway?
All living beings aim to develop traits that will give them an advantage. Bioluminescence is a crucial attribute to many life forms on earth. Continue reading Bioluminescence, explained in a minute
A look into a quick way to solve one of our planet’s most urgent issues with geoengineering Continue reading Geoengineering may be the best, flawed solution to global warming
All over the world, there are delicacies made from insects. Yet, for most of us, eating one seems unimaginable. So why do people eat insects? Continue reading Why do people eat insects all over the world?
Also known as 3 plausible methods to convince your parents to allow you to sleep in on a Saturday afternoon. Continue reading 3 Benefits of Dreaming
What aggravates COVID-19’s detrimental post-pandemic influences is that some of its consequences aren’t as fleeting as we had hoped them to be. Continue reading Post-pandemic attitudes won’t disappear overnight
Do you know what depression truly is? Studies show that a certain gut bacteria could cause many neuropsychiatric disorders. Continue reading Depression: An illness caused by gut bacteria?
Extinction is a major problem that happens in our lives. Here are 3 delicious animals that we will never get to eat. Continue reading 3 Delicious Types of Food that You Will Never be Able to Taste
The question of whether or not blind people dream is one that has crossed many minds before, but what is the actual answer? Continue reading Do Blind People Dream?
People often use global warming and climate change interchangeably. So, what’s the difference? What does each one really mean and why do they matter? Continue reading Global warming and climate change: Why these terms matter